Zentangle 101
Learn the basics of Zentangle - a relaxing form of meditation that uses pattern-making to focus your mind. No drawing experience necessary (Really!)
Wed. Oct. 14, 5:30-7:30pm
or  Wed. Dec. 16, 10:30am-12:30pm ... $45

Zentangle 102
Need more? More Zentangle patterns.
Zentangle 101 required. Bring your kit.
Wed. Oct. 21, 5:30-7:30pm ... $35

Tangled Art
Yes, Art! If you can create Zentangles, you can create art. In this class we will work with Panpastels, stencils, printmaking, colored pencils and Zentangle patterns to make beautiful little treasures. You’ll learn some techniques to make multiples of your tangles that you can share with friends. Never thought you’d be giving your own artwork as GIFTS? Find out how good it feels! (Yes, YOU, really!) Zentangle 101 is required. All materials provided. Zentangle 101 required.
Sat. Nov.14, 1:00-3:30pm ... $55

Zendalas - Tangling Outside the Box
What do you get when you combine a Zentangle and a Mandala? A Zendala! (or a “Mantangle”?) Learn some new patterns and tangle in a circle.
Wed. Nov. 18, 11:00am-1:00pm
or  Sat. Dec. 5, 10:00am-noon ... $45

Workshops are held at The Belfry studio above Wingdoodle, in Warner. The building is #19 on Main Street, in the center of town. For directions to Warner, please email Sandy at beezink@tds.net or call Wingdoodle at 603-456-3515. Please be aware that the studio is on the second floor and there is no elevator available.

Sandy Steen Bartholomew is a Certified Zentangle Teacher, an illustrator, and a mixed-media artist. To learn more, or see examples of her work, visit Beez Ink Studio online at www.BeezInkStudio.com. Information on workshops and other happenings in The Belfry can be followed on her blog: http://beezinthebelfry.blogspot.com/
If you would like to arrange a Zentangle class for yourself or your organization, please email Sandy at beezink@tds.net. A minimum of 4 people is required.
For a list of certified Zentangle teachers available outside of the NH area, visit www.zentangle.com

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