It's nice having Minou and Lilah back up here in White River Junction with me! Minou, the cat, has been living at my house for a few months now and I hadn't realized how much I had missed her company here at the apartment.

And, I'm not sure why, but Lilah seems more comfortable - away from home. She has two weeks of Cartoon Club Camp at the Center for Cartoon Studies. She has started integrating herself into my apartment after only two days, as has her pup, Pompey...

I'm hoping Lilah will let me post some of her comics - she is great with plotlines and character development!

On my part - it feels really good to be drawing again. Sure, I have a nice studio in my apartment, but I also have a computer with emails and Facebook and "work"... so after I dropped Lilah at camp, I headed over to the Senior Studios at school. Hey! I'M a SENIOR now! Cool!

I found a big table near a bright window and worked for a few hours until I ran back to get the Kid from camp. I LOVE working so close to where she is.

She got a pile of comics from the school library and then went back out for muffins and cookies. Very helpful kid! We "worked" together happily for a few more hours.

I've been working on some more pages of comic journaling. I get a bit behind... weird to be so busy living life, I don't have time to draw it! Hee hee.

So here's the process on one of the pages I drew today.

I started with a rough pencil sketch in my notebook:

I go back adding more detail and erasing and redrawing... a few times. The word "Lucky" is a good example. Here it is getting more detail...

And then even more detail:

I love drawing letters, so I spent way more time than necessary playing with the fonts. Heck, I just made them up as I went!

I drew in lots of extra details... barbed wire and Zentangles on the spinner...

I inked the final image with a ballpoint pen, then erased all the pencil lines.

Here's what the finished linework looked like after it was scanned:

I'll add more tangles to the spinner and then cross-hatching and shading... tomorrow.
I'll post the finished piece on the Glyphs & Glitches Comic blog and on Patreon.

Just before we left the Senior Studio, I noticed this note that was stuck to the window above me:

Good advice.
I'm letting myself get too distracted - I need to "Do the Shit... and all will be good."