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216 Articles
2 min read

A Little Nap'll Do Ya Wonders...

It's amazing what can happen in a week, right? Last week, I was curled into a tight, painful ball of frustration and panic. I reached out to you all on Facebook and here on my blog. (Hys-ter-ic-al) That post got me into a bit of trouble with my ex (someone suggested my kid...

3 min read


I have spent a lot of time... months? curled up, staring at the backs of my eyelids... thinking. I have sketched out numerous pages for the graphic medicine/autobio comic I  want to write about my hysterectomy. In my head. I have written emails and sent cards. In my head. I have designed some online...

3 min read

Queen Bee!

This was easily one of the most fun Birthdays I've ever had. Birthdays are a huge deal to me - I like to celebrate that I am still here. We had planned to take a trip down South this week - but the Hurricanes - "Florence", out in the real world,...

2 min read

Sweet Steps

This has been an incredibly intense week... actually, the whole month - if I count the graphic medicine conference and everything. I didn't have time to recuperate or recharge before I tripped over the zip line and went flying down the mountain again. Deciding to leave the big studio in Concord, packing, moving,...