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216 Articles
4 min read


As the plane touched down on the runway, I had a disorienting moment of pure panic: I had no idea where I was!? The airport looked the same as the others I'd seen recently and my mind actually had to run through the itinerary to figure out I was home. This was Logan...

1 min read


I am expecting to get my copies of the BOOK - "Totally Tangled" sometime this week. Between my insane excitement over the book and my near panic over preparations for my adventure trip this weekend, I fear I am nearing complete uselessness as far as providing you with Zentangle info and tips! If...

1 min read


My grandmother took care of us kids when my parents split and my mom went back to work. She taught us to sew, to row a boat, how to catch frogs, how to paint still-lifes, how to paint a fence, to pick blackberries, make kringel, pasha, apple pie, baked pierogi, stroganoff, gingerbread cookies, and how...