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216 Articles
2 min read

Mastering Procrastination

Slept til 10:30. Only ate the cereal with sugar on the biscuits. Didn't shower. Didn't do my homework. Walked along the ocean... Against the flow of tourists. Entertained uncharitable thoughts towards the packs of women gossiping instead of looking at the ocean. Flashed a charming smile at the older gentleman...

1 min read


I can't count how many times I have stood on this cliff wondering WHAT I should do with my life. Do you know that feeling? I come here to ask the ocean. Last year, the ocean told me it was time to get divorced. This spring, when I asked, I was eating a...

1 min read

Meanwhile, Back on the Cliff...

After all that stimulating Zentangle-ish relaxation, I ran away to Maine to hide for a few days. I underestimated the Friday traffic, so 5 hours later, I arrived at my hideaway, exhausted and seriously stressed. I also forgot that any weekend in October is considered a photo opp weekend for tourists and leaf peepers, despite...

2 min read

Graveyard Bash

On my Grandmother's Birthday, we marched off to the cemetery for a little visit and some cake. Of all the holidays and traditions that families can follow or create, this has become one of our favorites. So, welcome to our Second Annual Grandma Magda's Birthday Celebration. If you would like to...

1 min read


Feeling like a loser, a freak? Go see "Glee 3D" and you'll see that as a good thing. My son would be embarrassed to know that I just reluctantly left the movie theater -- I didn't want this movie to end! There were parents dancing with their kids in...

5 min read

Hit by a Truck

"When you realize that your sole purpose in life is to entertain the gods, there is nothing to do, but put on a good show." I seem to write quite a few blog posts in my head these days. Usually it's because I don't have access to my blog...