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216 Articles
3 min read

This... to this... to this...

Yesterday, I read a blog post by Kris Carr (one of my female heros) about Manifesting Your Desires. She had recently stumbled upon the book E-Squared: Nine Do-It-Yourself Energy Experiments That Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality by Pam Grout, at a conference. Kris' summary of the book: "As you know if you’...

3 min read

Creative Lineage

In my last post, Steal Like an Artist, I mentioned some of the amazing new ideas that I am learning and processing from reading Austin Kleon 's book. Today I really understood what he means about creating your own (artistic) family tree. Building your collection of influences and inspirations that become your new artistic...

5 min read

Zip Lines and "Summer Luvin'..."

As I mentioned in my last post, there are so many things that I write about, but then am not sure if I should post them. Since I am feeling a teeny bit more confident today than I did yesterday, I will take a little leap and post this thought I started back in September...