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216 Articles
6 min read

Two Kinds of Power

I keep getting flashes (re-runs?) in my head from that cartoon from my childhood Super Friends ... "Wonder Twin Power - ACTIVATE!" (she says): "Form of... an eagle!" (he says): "Form of... a bucket of water!" Seriously? You can turn into anything, ANYTHING, just by touching two rings together. And...

4 min read

Still Tripping

Are we there yet? In yesterday's post, did I make the cosmic error of saying the adventure was over? Perhaps I tempted fate by stating we just had a few flights and then we'd be home? Sigh. The Flagstaff airport is so small, there is only one flight arriving or leaving...

5 min read

Goodbye Canyon, Dust Roads

I have only one photo to show you today... Mainly as proof that we are in Flagstaff. It is pouring rain. And thundering. And lightning. It was a good day to leave the Grand Canyon. The trails all close when there is lightning. We have the perfect room, finally. It's a Hampton Inn...

5 min read

Pow! Zing! Comic Camp!

My hotel room smells like feet. So does the hallway. And the lobby... This place - the Hotel Coolidge in White River Junction, Vermont - is an intriguing mix of blast from the past, mysterious - and "well, that's what you get for the price." I have definitely stayed in much...

5 min read

Saying Goodbye

When I wrote about Death in my last post, I had no idea that I was actually being prepped for an ordeal ahead. We'd only had the honor of Emmet LeChat's company for a little over a year, but he was very firmly ensconced in our family and our hearts. He...