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76 Articles
1 min read

Visiting Artist - Sarah Glidden

Today's visiting artist was extra special as she is also a part of the Will Eisner Lecture series and will be doing another presentation this evening at Dartmouth College. Sarah Glidden is a comic journalist and spent time following other journalists around as they interviewed refugees in Turkey, Syria and Iraq. Her understanding...

1 min read

Visiting Artist - Joel Christian Gill

Our Visiting Artist this week was Joel Christian Gill a fascinating cartoonist who's passion is telling stories about the forgotten Black characters from History. He teaches at the NH Institute of Art. He told us his own story about how his family was the richest Black family in their Southern town - but...

2 min read

Self-Care Comic And Chick Tracts

I'm not sure there is a relation between the two types of comics in the title... but I finished my Non-fiction Project. It was due last Wednesday and after getting some feedback, I decided to follow through with the feedback and add a few more pages to tie everything back to the concept...

5 min read

The Week in Review

Maybe the week went so fast because I had so much work due, or maybe because I got so little sleep... staying up till 4am most nights! But it started pretty well - last Saturday - an evening out with the Fireman at The Local, spent listening to Brad Myrick and drinking whiskey sours. And...

2 min read

Industry Day

Today, instead of a Visiting Artist, we had Industry Day with 4 experts from different areas of the Comics Publishing field. Tracy Hurren is an editor at Drawn & Quarterly. Bill Boichel runs Copacetic Comics Co. Jennifer Linnan is a literary agent at Linnan Literary Management. Joan Hilty runs PageTurner and teaches at SVA. It...