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76 Articles
1 min read

VA Hospital Sketch-notes

The program at the Veteran's Hospital is getting very interesting. The most recent session was about how to NOT over-empathize with every story we hear. Made me realize that I (and maybe a lot of other cartoon students) am not the best option to listen to the Vets stories and draw them. I...

2 min read

Thesis Stuff

Feels like I have mostly been doing "homework", going to meetings and classes, and working (very late at night) on the science kits for the Montshire Museum... but I HAVE been doing some work on my Thesis. If you follow my comics, either here on the Glyphs & Glitches Comic blog or on...

1 min read

Visiting Artist - Spike Trotman

Our Visiting Artist this week was "Spike" Trotman. She runs a small comics publishing company, Iron Circus and is the Queen of Kickstarter comics with thousands of backers for each project! I was completely blown away by this woman - she is a force of nature and I want to be like her...

2 min read

Visiting Artist - Marjane Satrapi

Our second Visiting Artist this week was one of my new heros! Marjane Satrapi visited Dartmouth College on Thursday and our whole school trekked up there (a few miles! Phew!) I had read her books, Persepolis and Embroideries, but borrowed them from CCS' library. Now, I wanted my OWN copy of Persepolis so I...