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36 Articles
3 min read

Napkin Note Biz Plan Workshop

Ally Piper is doing another Napkin Note Biz Plan Workshop! The workshop is one whole day, but it's done online and by phone, so you don't have to deal with a commute or any hassles. Or shoes. Or makeup. ;-D There are great worksheets, time (offline) to do your "homework&...

2 min read

Exciting News from Cherryl Moote!

Below is the official announcement from Cherryl Moote about her new book. I had the chance to take a look at it last week and it's lovely. This is not a Zentangle® book, but rather, a how-to-draw-plants book that uses the Zentangle approach to drawing. It also has interesting facts and observations about...

3 min read

"The Art of Zentangle"

As I was rushing out the door to head over to The BeeHive yesterday, I tripped over a small box on the steps. I tossed it into the car and sped away. After I'd let my early students in (Hi Terry and Betty!), but before I'd turned the lights on... I...

3 min read

Whitelines and Samurai

Last weekend, my son and his friend accompanied me to the Currier Museum of Art in Manchester, NH to see Lethal Beauty: Samurai Weapons and Armor Exhibit. It was really interesting and rather puzzling - as any exploration of another culture tends to be. I am still wondering over the absolutely terrifying mask and helmet...