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36 Articles
1 min read

Back at Ya, Judy

My friend Judith Moffat recently did a great blog post about how much fun she had playing with my new Inspiration Sketchbooks, The Tangles of Kells and The Tangles of Santa Fe. But what REALLY got me excited was to see her journal page with her Santa Fe-inspired mandala! My books are meant as "...

4 min read

Oprah, Lego, and a Smidge of Art

I've been having a lot of roller-coaster weeks. Maybe you know what I mean? Where the very thing you have been dreading, can end up being a relief or a positive step forward. Then, what seems like a simple kindness from an unexpected source, turns into an unexplainable, soul-crushing blow. And then when...

5 min read

Book Review: The Food Babe Way

I'm not so fond of advertising or doing plugs for companies - even if I actually use their products. I DO like to share about things that get me excited - like women who are making a fuss. A positive fuss. They stand up, speak out and risk becoming a target. I'...