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135 Articles
2 min read

A Little Nap'll Do Ya Wonders...

It's amazing what can happen in a week, right? Last week, I was curled into a tight, painful ball of frustration and panic. I reached out to you all on Facebook and here on my blog. (Hys-ter-ic-al) That post got me into a bit of trouble with my ex (someone suggested my kid...

3 min read


I have spent a lot of time... months? curled up, staring at the backs of my eyelids... thinking. I have sketched out numerous pages for the graphic medicine/autobio comic I  want to write about my hysterectomy. In my head. I have written emails and sent cards. In my head. I have designed some online...

1 min read

Inktober 2018 - Week Three

Just one more week of Inktober! (And one more week of Kickstarter - not related - but very cool.) Week One HERE Week Two HERE And a quick recap of The Rules: • Draw a picture based on the word prompt for that day • Ink it • Post it on social media with #Inktober2018 and My Rules:...

2 min read

Inktober 2018 - Week Two

I'm still going...! Some of my gray markers are running dry, but I MUST KEEP GOING! So here are all the drawings I've done for Week Two (you can see Week One HERE). Day 8 - STAR Day 9 - PRECIOUS I thought it looked pretty cool - with just the...

3 min read

Inktober 2018 - Week One

In an effort to get myself back on track - DRAWING COMICS EVERYDAY - I joined Inktober - 31 drawings in 31 days. Started by Jake Parker, cartoonist, to get himself and others to perfect their inking skills - Inktober has become a "thing". Basically, there is a list of word prompts, one...