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129 Articles
1 min read

Happy Easter

If we forget about the grouchy boy, high-fever-girl and cranky Gramma at the nursing home... this was a really nice weekend! It was nice to have Kayla helping out too - weekends always go smoother with someone else watching the baby! Kayla is, technically, Lilah's babysitter. She started out as a mother'...

1 min read

Juego con mi Jugo

Well, I may have unleashed a monster, but Alex now has his own blog! Called Juego con mi Jugo. Here is his description of the site: ¡Bienvenido! Hi, my name is Alex Bee. This is my blog all about me. I look forward to telling anyone brave (or foolish) enough to enter this webpage about...

1 min read

When Life Gives You Snow...

Snow, snow and more snow. BUT! The sun was out and as I walked along Main Street, I was cheered to hear the gentle sound of dripping. Dripping! Dripping meant it wasn't as cold. Heatwave! This is a picture out my studio window before yesterday's snowstorm. That overhang of snow came...

1 min read

Such Drama!

Have I mentioned (lately) that I have a... rather dramatic son? If I call him a drama King, he says "I prefer dramatically gifted." He was recently in a play called "A Midsummer Night's Midterm". Not only a take-off on Shakespeare, but it attempts to explain it (very funny)...