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169 Articles
2 min read

Kriota Willberg & Bob Sikoryak

Kriota Willberg is a dancer, massage therapist, and anatomical/medical cartoonist! Not only did she speak this afternoon as one of our visiting artists, but she came to life drawing class this morning. Sure, she knows everything about bones and muscles and where they attach on the skeleton.... but what was SO cool was that...

5 min read

Feeling the Squeeze!

After class this evening all the students went out back to the parking lot for a pizza and apple cider pressing party. That is - we ate pizza and pressed apples! Pizza juice... shudder. The apple cider was amazing! We couldn't fill up our containers though until the whole car load of apples...

4 min read

Monday, Monday

I came home from class today, plopped onto the sofa and was promptly pinned down by Minou. I think she missed me. On Friday, we had an interesting workshop with an artist, Kristina Carroll (her work is amazing!) from Strathmore paper company. [] She explained how papers were made and what that meant for...

3 min read

Lego and comics...

The kids helped me bring a mini-van load of boxes and important stuff - like my drafting table and a bunch of pancake pillows... to my new apartment near the cartoon school. Then they gave me their opinions on what furniture I should have moved - or not. Lilah and I are still struggling over...

5 min read

Pow! Zing! Comic Camp!

My hotel room smells like feet. So does the hallway. And the lobby... This place - the Hotel Coolidge in White River Junction, Vermont - is an intriguing mix of blast from the past, mysterious - and "well, that's what you get for the price." I have definitely stayed in much...