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169 Articles
4 min read

Drawing with the Devil

Warning: if you are offended by anything about the Devil - skip this post! (It's not that bad, really). Backing up a few hours... we started the day with a Scavenger Hunt. It was a beautiful day to be outside, so this was quite fun. We took turns drawing a card with a...

5 min read

From Tarzan to Tezuka

[If you just want to see artwork and my homework - scroll down!] We'll start with this photo my daughter emailed me. I'm missing Halloween (and the kid!) and can't believe that I just raised my head - and it's almost a week into November! What?! Alright,...

6 min read

Going Backwards

I'm going to go backwards this week! I am so tired, I'm falling asleep while waiting for web stuff to load! The picture book projects were due today and I still believe that it was too big a project to do in two weeks. I thought I had paced myself pretty...

5 min read

Unicorn Update

Overall, it was a nice weekend home with the kid. But very stressful too. I have decided that there just is NO way to maintain multiple homes... the apartment, the house, and the studio. Granted, I am cleaning out and trying to rent the studio - but that alone is impossible. There just isn'...