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169 Articles
3 min read

Block Party!

Graduation yesterday was exciting - it was held at Northern Stage and I was one of the ushers. I couldn't help wondering if I'd make it to my own graduation this time next year? And our class (2017) is tiny compared with this year's (2016). I do wish I...

2 min read

Self-Care Comic And Chick Tracts

I'm not sure there is a relation between the two types of comics in the title... but I finished my Non-fiction Project. It was due last Wednesday and after getting some feedback, I decided to follow through with the feedback and add a few more pages to tie everything back to the concept...

5 min read

The Week in Review

Maybe the week went so fast because I had so much work due, or maybe because I got so little sleep... staying up till 4am most nights! But it started pretty well - last Saturday - an evening out with the Fireman at The Local, spent listening to Brad Myrick and drinking whiskey sours. And...