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169 Articles
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#4 - MARCH - Friday

I guess I just have a different take on events, or maybe I live in an alternate reality? I'm sure that's it. This comic page appeared (Sunday, May 15, 2016) in an article in The Concord Monitor about the Center for Cartoon Studies (and me) - last Sunday!...

1 min read

#2 and #3 - MARCH - Thursday

Mom, Lilah and I saw The Hound of the Baskervilles at Northern Stage. It was a hilarious, meta-theater production and we were all feeling pretty good. Until, they had to head back to Warner and Lilah didn't want me to stay at school... The drive home (of course, I went home!) - was...

1 min read

#1 Self-Care

I suck at taking care of myself. I thought I would explore this concept... that taking care of ME might be like caring for a child or a friend. Would I be kinder and more nurturing to someone else rather than myself?...