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169 Articles
5 min read

Graphic Medicine ComicCon

I was trying to think of how to sum up the past... month. "Things went as expected, but not as I'd hoped." That's the Optimistic-Pessimist in me. Truth is - the hormones, the surgery, the pain, the PTSD, the insomnia... things have not been going very well. I'...

2 min read

A Little Nap'll Do Ya Wonders...

It's amazing what can happen in a week, right? Last week, I was curled into a tight, painful ball of frustration and panic. I reached out to you all on Facebook and here on my blog. (Hys-ter-ic-al) That post got me into a bit of trouble with my ex (someone suggested my kid...

1 min read

Kick-It! (#6!)

OK! I actually DID IT! I've been trying to get this Kickstarter project kicking since.... December! This is my sixth Kickstarter so it shouldn't be so scary, but I think with all the medical stuff, I just haven't had the energy to spare - until now. I plan to...

1 min read

Thinking of going to Cartoon School?

Meet up for a cup of coffee and chat informally about attending The Center for Cartoon Studies MFA or Certificate program. Hosted by CCS alumna ('17), Sandy Bartholomew. Sandy's daughter Lilah, who has taken many kids workshops at CCS will also be in attendance! This event is intended for prospective students. To...