There were so many incredible entries! I'll post them all here so you can see what incredible work everyone did. You can see more details and some explanations of the pieces on the Beez Ink Studio Facebook page. Now before you go scrolling through to see if you won, I just have to say that this was a LOT harder than I had thought it would be. I tried making up criteria, just picking my favorite (yeh - that didn't work - I liked something about each one...), stepping back and seeing which one looked best as a thumbnail, every variation possible. In the end, I got Alex to help me (he's a CZT now - whoo-hoo!) and we narrowed it down to two criteria... which one used the most YAFs and which one had a charming reward for looking carefully. :-) Ok, now you can look.

Arnoldo Romero
Becki Miller
Brandi Cooper Heidi King
Brooke Gustavel
Cathy Raboin Staeven
Debra Robinson Michael
Dennie York
Debra Castaldi
Eduardo Martinez
Emily Classon
Faith Kaminsky Cohen
Ginny Stiles
Carol Graham
Janneke de Lange
Jay Worling (1)
Jay Worling (2)
Jean Chaney
Lena Ulses
Lila Popcheff
Lois Stokes
Lynne Norikane Newberry
Lynne Norikane Newberry (shrink plastic charm)
Mary Leavelle
Maya Hardcastle
Rita Nikolajeva
Traci Frogley

And the winner for THIS round is.... drum rollllllll.....

Diane Yaciuk

Diane Yaciuk!!!!
(Diane, be sure to email me where you want your brand-spankin' new Tangle Cards to be sent!)

Tomorrow I will post the next Tangle Card. I hope everyone will do another piece and pass the word around too. Diane, you are welcome to enter again - you just can't win twice. ;-)

Oh last note - I know this was in the entry rules, but I wanted to say again that I am hoping to use many of these entries in a book I am working on and entry in the contest means you give me permission. However, I will still need your written permission and any contact info you might want included. This means that if you DO NOT want to be included, that's fine too. I can't force fame and fortune on you. Well... fame, anyway. ;-)
Just let me know.

Nice work everyone!!

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