So THAT worked! We had a great party...

Guests arrived and left in small groups all afternoon and evening so it never got overwhelming for me. I got to talk to almost everyone. It was unseasonably humid, but still a beautiful evening.

My daughter, Lilah, made carrot cake cupcakes that were SOOO yummy!

Laurie and my new friend Jim organized the food and decorations.

I got lots of lovely birthday gifts!

I was able to show off my comics and sketchbooks from Cartoon School.

As the hour got later and we consumed more cupcakes - we got a little sillier!

Meanwhile, my chalkboard received lots of great new quotes!

And I added the ones sent in by email and in the blog comments.

There is still some space left, so feel free to give me some more quotes!

And thank you to everyone who helped get me launched on this new adventure, it means so much to me to have your support and encouragement.