I ran away this past week to actually get some work done. Saying that feels so... ironic. I have three studio spaces... more or less... two of which have been featured in STUDIOS magazine. And yet, when I really need to work on something- like a new book (YES!)- I have to run away in order to concentrate. And then, guess where I work? Yup. Spread out all over the bed and the floor. I am hoping this bit of information, although kind of depressing to me, will be encouraging to those of you who are fantasizing about someday having a real studio. And I hope this is also a kick in the butt to those of you (us!) who use the lack of studio space as an excuse NOT to get things done. Space is important, but lack of distractions is even more so.

Since I am not ready to tell you about this new project (I am really having fun with it though!!) I will fill this post with some wonderful work I have received from other tanglers. Onward!

Merlin and Serena by Fabi

You say I may be your first customer in Buenos Aires,  and I tell you, you are my first American teacher. And maybe one day a  good friend of mine, I feel. I found a strange (and strong) coincidence with you again: I always start and do lots of things, so I keep on saying "I don´t know what shall I be when I grow up!" I send you a photo of my work in 3D. As there is no easy translation for zentangles and so, I call it Dibujo Zen (Zen Drawing) ...  Posting my work on your blog again? Of course, I would be pleased and honoured ! By the way, the cats' names are Merlin and Serena (means calm). They are both in love! I've got some other little animals such as these, I can show you some other day. We'll keep in touch, I hope. Hugs, Fabi

Zentangle by Bookboy

Attached is a scan of a Zentangle I completed yesterday (3/7/11). It was  my first time to use many of these tangles - Jetties, Avreel, and your  two (can't remember the names right now). I love the woven one. Yoga for  Your Brain was worth it for just that pattern! This was done on a  Zentangle tile, going all the way to the edge.

[note: the tangles here are:  Jonqal, Avreal, Jetties, Zander, and my two, Krust and Jute]

Zentangle by Les Boumans

Dear Sandy,

This was my very first Tangle. The yellow bits on the right are in fact  golden, and the few very white bits on the left are in fact silver. I didn’t use a string at this point I didn’t know what a string was:-))))  It was in the 2nd week of December 2010 and so I felt a bit Christmassy  LOL.

Kindest regards to you, yet again, Les Boumans : )

Sherry's First Zentangle

Your new book is wonderful!   When I got my copy of  Yoga for Your Brain

I couldn’t put it down.  I now make a point to  ZenTangle every night.  Keep up the GREAT work!!!!!  You’re a blessing  and we are blessed to have you. I have attached the first ZenTangle I tried.  Not the best but not bad. Congrats!Sherry


Rita's wood-burned "Doodle" gourds
Rita's gourd

Hi Sandy
Your Yoga book arrived in the mail today - I'm not sure what I expected but it is great! I  posted the first try at tangling - on a gourd with my woodburner - then  did one on paper with the woodburner (usually have no problem  woodburning on paper but this stock was dreadful and that one took hours  and hours - if I got paid by the hour that would have been one extremely  expensive card! ...
I love the  section you have done on shading ... well now - that alone is worth the  price of the book!!!  I can't believe it actually made sense to me the  first time I read thru.  Cheers - Rita (Magic Kiwi)

Rita's pyrography on paper

Sandy,  The little  swirls aren't anything new, one of them is a cross hatch design, one is  made up of upside down V's, and the other one is bunches of tiny dots.   I didn't do it in the traditional zentangle cards, or with the "string"  separating the space.  I actually was doodling this on an envelope.
with much thanks

Julie's worm tangles
Trish Wain (back of page)

Dear Sandy,  My tangling  approach is a bit different. I started doodling with color markers just making  and filling in shapes. It bled through the paper but I really liked  the way the back side looked sooo..... I did my black ink tangling on the back  side (photo#2). I noticed a cat looking critter emerging from the design so I  went with it and added the tail and two legs. I call it "Acorn the Cosmic  Kitty".  This really  is so much fun and I'd almost forgotten how much I use to enjoy the freestyle of  doodling. My next mission is to apply it to fabric and use it in making my cloth  art dolls and creatures. By the way, I love your Munnys. Thanks for such a great  book. Your friend, Trisha Wain (anniemaize.etsy.com)

"Acorn the Cosmic Kitty" by Trish Wain
Cathy Helmer

Hi, Sandy. Glad you like the doll. Feel free to post on your blog. All of the black you see on the doll was tangled with a fabric marker. The original fabric was 2 shades of orange, the lighter orange making up the heart or leaf design. I used the contrasting colors as the string. I pretty much sell what I make at one show a year and at a local gallery. I do make beaded art dolls (not zentangled). Cathy Helmers

Julie's foil frame

Hello..   My name is Julie Walker ... I own a bead store here in Kettering, Ohio  and am by trade a  jewelry designer. (I have added your art form to my talents!!  hahaha)... You know how things just call to you when your supposed to do  something  with it!  I wanted to do something that no one else is doing so, I began  "tangling" picture matte frames. I did one in the silver foil by using  an  empty pencil and  the others are just tangles! I am having way too much  fun and it is difficult when I do have free time to choose between my  love of beads and  my love of tangling! So, thanks for sharing! This  truly has changed my life and helped me be less critical about my work. Sincerely, Julie Walker, The Bead Cage

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