I know you are wondering how the Illustrators' Show went on Thursday, right? It was amazing! There were so many gorgeous pieces. If you have not been, there is still time - it runs through August and this is a great excuse to see Mill Brook Gallery too. Judy Moffat has some great shots of the art and the artists on her blog. Here are some shots of the opening taken by my mother and my friend, Laurie Strysko. For some reason they took lots of pics of ME and not many of artwork. What's that about? ;-D

My mom with Harvey Keye from NH to Do Magazine
Signing books. That's one of my pieces on the wall!
Oooh - look! A kid!
The lower level gallery.
It's nice to have some loyal followers.
Mary and Dan Watts come to all my book signings. Yah!
Pam Tarbell (gallery owner) with two of the artists - Ilene Richards and Denise Ortakales
Will Harney and my mom, and Will's book.
Another reason to visit the gallery! A life-size woolly mammoth, made from STICKS!!