If we forget about the grouchy boy, high-fever-girl and cranky Gramma at the nursing home... this was a really nice weekend! It was nice to have Kayla helping out too - weekends always go smoother with someone else watching the baby! Kayla is, technically, Lilah's babysitter. She started out as a mother's helper and progressed to personal hairdresser, jungle gym, big sister and bodyguard. She has been taking care of Lilah since she was about 2 months old. It's amazing to think of how many adult sitters Lilah has blown through in only two years. No surprise Kayla is thinking about joining the National Guard. Someday she'll have her own reality TV show I think.

Now her mom, SherRee, is working at Wingdoodle. Well... "working" is not the right word... she's actually taken over my position. Creative Director, Arts/Crafts Manager, Teacher, Demo Table Facilitator, Chief Store Blogger... you get the idea! This weekend she had an adorable Make-It/Take-It at the demo table with die-cut bunny baskets and Wingdoodle-y M&M's. She sent me a bunch of cute pics she took from behind the demo table. These are my favorites.

(Kayla has taught Lilah lots of very important things - like which M&M colors taste best!)

I imagine SherRee will have more photos from this weekend on the blog, so be sure to check it out. She's an "Extreme Blogger" so you can always get the latest news about stamping products, cool gifts at the store, classes and interesting projects. Shameless plug: go look at the Wingdoodle blog! - Thanks! :-)

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