I've been keeping up with drawing something every day! Yeah me! It does feel good. I don't post on Instagram everyday or here on the blog, but I AM drawing! I've been noticing more funny things that happen too. And noting the ridiculous in the awful things that happen. I'm not always sure how to translate the incidents into quick comics, but I try to make a little note somewhere. And that is how I end up with piles of notes like "old people sushi rolls." Not always helpful, but it's a start.

Drawing this way... it's a bit like journaling, but my brain processes everything as images anyway... is helping me to see themes and recognize the speed bumps that are really getting in my way. I have been doing ALL the Things, but there are some cogs missing in my abilities gears that make the projects seem like failures. No class, workshop, or therapist can "fix" my deficits. I am seeing that I want to focus on getting even better at my current superpowers and hire a... "chaos coordinator" for the rest.

Training my dog is a good example. I just CAN'T DO THAT! But there are people who can. And it's making a huge difference for both of us. Although, I couldn't bring her with me to Urgent Care yesterday because I was too panicked and couldn't be responsible for her anxiety too. Ironic, since that's why I need a service dog. But, we're working on it. My service kid took me. It's very useful having a kid who drives! Elsa Bear, will never be able to drive me anywhere. Her legs are too short.

I'm still working on finding a way to split my house, and sell half. It is NOT going well. Contractors are booking out into 2026 and the individual subcontractors are just as bad as my specialist doctors. They refer me to someone else, don't return calls, or just say "sorry don't know what to tell you." So I've been working on a new plan to rent the current "apartment" space of my house as an AirBnB for traveling nurses. Which means combining and moving other rooms in my house, selling off tons of stuff on eBay, finding someone to move furniture, and getting the town to take down the huge ancient oak tree that is waiting to fall on that part of the house. I've been trying to get a response from the town for 7 years!? But we had an awful storm last month that toppled my neighbors giant tree onto their house and car - so now the town is a bit more anxious too. When my tree falls, it will take out, not just my house, but all the power lines up the mountain! Way to get attention, eh?

I've been sorting through boxes and boxes of my mom's stuff - too many memories from my past lives, and her adventures before she had kids - I don't know what to do with it all. And then I started sorting my own junk - and finding TONS of cool ideas I want to work on! I told myself - as soon as you get the apartment rented - you can get back to painting, writing, and drawing comics! Yeh. I guess that's my ADHD talking. I've learned SOOOO much about ADHD and, although I think the label is inaccurate ( I don't have a "deficit of attention" and it's not a disorder...), understanding WHY I'm reacting a certain way, etc. is very helpful.

Which leads me back to two things... three things!... I have learned that I need.

  1. I need to draw, paint, write, cartoon, create - daily. Basically, it's what fuels me and gives me purpose.
  2. I need a "chaos coordinator". Forcing myself to do the things that people tell me I should be able to do (like weeding my garden and moving rocks when I know for a fact that I am allergic to absolutely everything outdoors) is how I end up in the ER with cellulitis all over my body from poison ivy with oozing sores and wanting to rip my skin off! Also, 3 different kinds of medications, absolutely no sleep, and unable to focus on anything. Someone else should have done that work.
  3. I need a steady income from a source that is NOT art related. But not a job outside my home. Even if I sell three books a day on my Shopify store, the profit margin is so small. If I rent my apartment weekly, I have more control and more income - and can work on my art without the guilt of it having to earn money.

But don't let that stop you from buying books from my shop! 😉