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I'm Sandy B. - a Neurodivergent Artist and Cartoonist. With the help of a cute service dog and a Tribe of Inner Demons, I am on a mission to make sense of my World - or at least, make FUN of it!

2 min read

CZT #12!

Second time here in Providence this year. I brought my son down in June to get certified and now I am back with Bonnie- my studio manager, Main Minion, and chief butt-kicker. (She also fills all your orders). I dropped her off at the Hotel Providence and went to check myself in at the Biltmore....

3 min read

Studio Sale • Saturday, Oct. 5

I am venturing into the deep recesses of the studio/shop this week. Cabinets that have been shut for a year... Displays that were piled precariously in the storage room... The remnants of my store, Wingdoodle, are being pulled back into the light! Hallelujah! Actually, I need the space, I need to clear out the...

2 min read

Guest Artist - Ellen Wolters

As you may remember, everyone who entered the final Challenge was a "winner" of a Tangle Card pack. I recently received this note on Facebook: Ellen Wolters > BEEZ ink Studio       Been playing in my kidsclass with the Tangle Cards I won with your challenge! We had real fun, check it out: http:...

2 min read

Best Day. Ever. Santa Fe

Yes, the best day. Lisa Heron and I did some adventuring. First we drove North a bit... Then we drove South... Then wandered a bit in the middle... Then South again. :-) In Santa Fe, even the underpasses have art on them. And the parking garages!? The last four pics in this group are from...

1 min read

Retreat's End

The last day of the Art Journal Retreat. Sigh. I think we will all miss the laughter. :-) It was to be an easygoing, studio day with time to journal and catch up. I didn't journal... I talked with every single person and answered questions and showed my journals. It was incredibly satisfying,...

2 min read

Hump Day... Santa Fe

I did a workshop on drawing faces this morning... Then one on using Tombow markers - and other water-based markers- with a water brush. The effect is like water colors with a lovely blend. The coolest thing was using the clear Sakura Glaze pen as a resist! We went on small group field trips -...