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I'm Sandy B. - a Neurodivergent Artist and Cartoonist. With the help of a cute service dog and a Tribe of Inner Demons, I am on a mission to make sense of my World - or at least, make FUN of it!

2 min read

TangleU- the Big Day

Today was my day to get up on stage and teach! I was a lot calmer than I was last year. I ended up with three hours to teach "Glowing Prints" and I enjoyed the extra time. I was able to walk around and show my samples and answer questions. The work people...

1 min read

TangleU, TangleMe

Every night I think I couldn't possibly be more exhausted... Here's a collage of some of the day in no real order. My booth with Minion Robin and my new jigsaw puzzles. (Yeah!) my Chief Minion Dianne. I can't even begin to think of what I can do to...

1 min read

TangleU - It Begins!

I have been here in Portland, ME for over a day and spoken with tons of people and I am already crazy exhausted.... And TangleU hasn't even officially begun! Here are a few if the people I have met... How cool are the trading cards!!! I thought maybe a few people would play...

1 min read

Happy Easter!

I had a fabulous day with my mom and my kids - church, music, food, Legos... but my favorite part was my genius idea... How do I get rid of the candy that the bunny left in the basket?! We ate a few Peeps - yum - but the kids and I can't...

2 min read

TangleU is Next Week!

Other than kid stuff - my brain has been almost completely obsessed with worrying...ahem...planning for TangleU next week. This year there will be 112 attendees and four-ish days of workshops. My class "Glowing Prints" is only about 1.5 hours, but I've spent days working out the presentation, projects,...

4 min read

March Journals

Here are my entries for the month of March for Journal52. It's hard to keep up, but I keep pushing myself. I am a little relieved that there is no assignment in the Lilla Rogers Bootcamp class in April since I will be teaching at TangleU and really need to get focused on...