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I'm Sandy B. - a Neurodivergent Artist and Cartoonist. With the help of a cute service dog and a Tribe of Inner Demons, I am on a mission to make sense of my World - or at least, make FUN of it!

3 min read

Pop-Pop-BLAM! - Comic Camp

The teachers here are either wind-up toys or highly caffeinated! They have so much energy and enthusiasm, even at 9:30 in the morning! Me, I'm exhausted just typing the exclamation marks! ;-) Seriously, they are great. Very dramatic and funny... hmmmm... just like cartoon characters? Today we started off with a very...

5 min read

Pow! Zing! Comic Camp!

My hotel room smells like feet. So does the hallway. And the lobby... This place - the Hotel Coolidge in White River Junction, Vermont - is an intriguing mix of blast from the past, mysterious - and "well, that's what you get for the price." I have definitely stayed in much...

4 min read

Shaking It Up. In reality and digitally.

My dirty little secret? I'm NOT a procrastinator, unless you count sheer overwhelm... but I am... just a touch... OCD. So when I am assaulted by craziness, or I have to meet with a particular man, HWMNBN, (He-who-must-not-be-named), my coping mechanism is to tear something apart and put it back together. And I&...