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I'm Sandy B. - a Neurodivergent Artist and Cartoonist. With the help of a cute service dog and a Tribe of Inner Demons, I am on a mission to make sense of my World - or at least, make FUN of it!

3 min read

... And a Boat, Too

In the past few weeks, on our grand adventure, we traveled by airplane, bus, elevated train, cabs, Amtrak trains, Grand Canyon railway, shuttles... everything but a boat! Until today. Today we got to sail on the MV Kearsarge around Lake Sunapee in celebration of a new book by "Alex Ashe".  Death on the...

1 min read

Resized and Recapped

Now that I am home, I went through the blog posts from the Adventure and resized and replaced the collaged photos. I do all my posts on my iPhone and I think it automatically resizes everything for an iphone screen. No matter, they look better now. AND I added in a few video clips! (Another...

4 min read

Still Tripping

Are we there yet? In yesterday's post, did I make the cosmic error of saying the adventure was over? Perhaps I tempted fate by stating we just had a few flights and then we'd be home? Sigh. The Flagstaff airport is so small, there is only one flight arriving or leaving...

5 min read

Goodbye Canyon, Dust Roads

I have only one photo to show you today... Mainly as proof that we are in Flagstaff. It is pouring rain. And thundering. And lightning. It was a good day to leave the Grand Canyon. The trails all close when there is lightning. We have the perfect room, finally. It's a Hampton Inn...