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I'm Sandy B. - a Neurodivergent Artist and Cartoonist. With the help of a cute service dog and a Tribe of Inner Demons, I am on a mission to make sense of my World - or at least, make FUN of it!

6 min read

A Little Queasy

Yesterday was a rollercoaster day that started at 9 am and ended close to midnight with me curled up, in tears, wondering "what have I done!?" Don't check email... don't check email... agh. I checked. Continuances on continuances on pre-trials for trials on petitions for... good grief. It reminds...

1 min read

And so it begins...

Two days in and two classes survived! And already there are changes to the schedule - for the better I think - and a lot of homework. Monday's class is "Survey of the Drawn Story" - basically - "Cartoon History." The teacher is a legend in the cartoon world-...

1 min read

Dam It

I forgot to show this sketch on Sunday's post. My iPhone had died, so I drew my daughter playing in the water park at Montshire Science Museum. There were rubber blocks and Lilah was building a dam in the middle of a waterfall. She was moving a lot so her body - and...

2 min read

Last Day of Summer Vacation

The King Arthur Flour Bakery (Shop and Classrooms too) is just a few minutes north of me now and we felt particularly adventurous (and hungry) this morning. My mom was on a quest for coffee, Lilah for something with sugar icing (cinnamon bun!), and me... I was just hungry! Don't worry, we all...

4 min read


In the past two weeks so many amazing things have happened it's like "If it's Monday, I must have taken my kid to college," "if it's Tuesday, I think I bought a car..." In case you didn't hear, my Kickstarter Project was funded...

2 min read

Tip Top 2 - Review

Last weekend I got a chance to try out the restaurant across the street - the Tip Top Cafe. My friend Debbee, who has been away having her own adventures all summer, came to visit and help clean my grungy mini-blinds (which we did at one in the morning!) We were engaged as soon as...