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I'm Sandy B. - a Neurodivergent Artist and Cartoonist. With the help of a cute service dog and a Tribe of Inner Demons, I am on a mission to make sense of my World - or at least, make FUN of it!

5 min read

From Tarzan to Tezuka

[If you just want to see artwork and my homework - scroll down!] We'll start with this photo my daughter emailed me. I'm missing Halloween (and the kid!) and can't believe that I just raised my head - and it's almost a week into November! What?! Alright,...

3 min read

Best. Halloween. EVER.

It started in a typical way, on Friday, with the Simonds School costume parade. Lilah was Hermione, but she actually looks more like Ginnie Weasley. The costumes this year were very clever. Not so many scream faces, more original ones and a few Minecraft. I loved Mr. Stolz' "Uncle Fester" costume! And...

4 min read

Creature Day!

I had a great day! Brainstorming and drawing and laughing hysterically. Yep - pretty great in my book. It's pouring rain, but I ran home so I could post all the stuff we learned today while I was still really excited. But I made the STOOPID mistake of opening the Lawyer Envelope first....

3 min read

A Whole Lot of Culture

I have definitely packed in a lot of culture in the past few days. Friday I got a peek at the new apartments that are being built in the old American Legion building directly across from the school. They are beautiful, streamlined with the perfect location. But small, and very expensive. Even for this area....

2 min read

Visiting Artist - Ricardo Siri Liniers

In life drawing this morning we were lectured on muscles and bones in the arms and hands and it made me feel really twitchy. I think everyone is still jet lagged from our all-nighters and even our teacher was punchy and easily distractible. Which was quite enjoyable. He had diagrammed the muscle groups he was...

6 min read

Going Backwards

I'm going to go backwards this week! I am so tired, I'm falling asleep while waiting for web stuff to load! The picture book projects were due today and I still believe that it was too big a project to do in two weeks. I thought I had paced myself pretty...