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I'm Sandy B. - a Neurodivergent Artist and Cartoonist. With the help of a cute service dog and a Tribe of Inner Demons, I am on a mission to make sense of my World - or at least, make FUN of it!

4 min read

Non-Fiction Begins

We started our lesson on Non-Fiction comics with a field trip to Clay Hill Corners Farm in Hartland, VT to talk with Marty Banak and listen in as he was interviewed. He showed us around the amazing farm and his sugar shack (on wheels!). Greenhouses, bees, blueberries, even a little mushroom farm. I kept thinking,...

1 min read

Treats on a Monday

I collected my Valentines today! Haven't had such fun with Valentine cards since grade school! Although the sentiment is slightly dangerous in the hands of cartoonists. Meanwhile, back in Comic History, we have been learning about the Underground Comix Movement. This is not a movement that I am particularly fond of. Lots of...

2 min read

Eisner Week

In honor of Will Eisner Week the school's Schulz Library was open really late and there were fun activities and snacks. Lilah and I made bookmarks, ate cupcakes, read graphic novels and drew on the white board. There was a challenge theme of trains - you can see some of the other kids&...

2 min read

The Rip-Off Comic

I've been working on the "Rip-Off comic" - I have to combine the basic story line of the movie "Maze Runner" with my research on trailer parks. My main characters are Thomas, Brianna, Lucy, and Chuck, the cat. Here are my character sketches for a few of them... I...

1 min read

Visiting Artist - Bill Griffith

Our Visiting Artist today was Zippy the Pinhead! Well, Bill Griffith actually, but he IS a cartoon character in his own comics. This was one of those visits where, even though I had heard of the famous cartoon, I was not much of a fan. But after hearing the story of its creation, and the...