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I'm Sandy B. - a Neurodivergent Artist and Cartoonist. With the help of a cute service dog and a Tribe of Inner Demons, I am on a mission to make sense of my World - or at least, make FUN of it!

3 min read

Rev Up and Relax

Friday was Senior Orientation at CCS! All of a sudden everything is very "REAL"! The Thesis I've been sort of thinking about all summer? Real. The 60 hours of Internship required for graduation? Real. Classes? Real. Aaah... panic! The fun part was that we got to pick our tables and chairs...

4 min read

Vermont ComicCon - the Weekend

So that last post ended with the purple flowers... like a cliffhanger, right? You're thinking... "WHAT? The Fireman is BACK?! Are you out of your mind?" Well... maybe... we'll see... He did show up at the door with this... (giant meatballs and sauce) ...and this... (super cheesy lasagna) which...

4 min read

Last Week of Summer

If you had one week left to cram your entire summer in before heading back to school... would you decide to move half your house?... or go to the Beach? Yep - I did both. A little over a week ago, I woke up with an absolutely INSANE idea. We'd all been going...

1 min read

Vermont ComicCon!

I am so excited to be part of the Vermont Comic Creators Group! This weekend we'll be at Vermont Comic Con 2016, at the Sheraton in South Burlington Saturday and Sunday! TICKETS: This poster was created by Gregory Giordano - Can you find me (like "Where&...

1 min read

Spin Again

A couple posts back, I showed you a comic I was working on. Here's the finished version of it: I'm posting the steps on another piece I just finished this week, on the Beez in the Belfry blog, so click HERE to see the behind-the-scenes-steps for "Nesting Instinct"....