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I'm Sandy B. - a Neurodivergent Artist and Cartoonist. With the help of a cute service dog and a Tribe of Inner Demons, I am on a mission to make sense of my World - or at least, make FUN of it!

1 min read

Visiting Artist - Alec Longstreth

The Visiting Artist today was my hero and my Thesis Advisor - Alec Longstreth! Alec is just vibrating with energy and ideas and I do think he crammed about four hours of instruction into a mere two hours. The Fireman came to class with me today and even HE was highly entertained and engaged by...

1 min read

Kickin' it on Kickstarter!

So - that went well! The first Kickstarter, for the Quo Vadis - Special Edition - comics went far enough past the goal that I was able to print some extra comics! I picked them up from the printers last week and they look great!! It is very exciting to hold one's OWN...