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I'm Sandy B. - a Neurodivergent Artist and Cartoonist. With the help of a cute service dog and a Tribe of Inner Demons, I am on a mission to make sense of my World - or at least, make FUN of it!

2 min read

Illustrator Saturday!

I am SO excited to be the featured artist on Kathy Teaman's WRITING and ILLUSTRATING blog for Illustrator Saturday! Click HERE to read the Interview and see all the images on Kathy's blog. And here is just a little preview: How long have you been illustrating?More than 30 years. What...

4 min read

The Middlebury Diary, Part 2

I updated the first blog post with the photos, so take a look at that one HERE. Saturday was the BIG event! The Non-fiction Comics Mini-Fest at the Vermont Folklife Center in Middlebury, VT. I was surrounded by amazing cartoonists! Marek Bennett (in the hat) was responsible for telling me (MANY years ago) that there...

3 min read

The Middlebury Diary

The drive up to Middlebury has been a literal roller coaster of emotions and hills and hairpin turns and combine harvesters and overpacked bicycles on steep roads with NO shoulder. Exhausting. Plus I got lost. Twice. I start to fall asleep at the wheel after about 35 minutes... so I finally stopped at the Sharon...

1 min read

NH CZT Gatherings at The BeeHive

We've had a few of the CZT (Certified Zentangle® Teacher) gatherings at The BeeHive and they keep getting bigger and better! Everyone works on their own projects (or just chats and relaxes), but Bette Abdu brought a project to share. Once it is cut out, the shape folds into a 20-sided, jumbo-sized, tangled...

2 min read

Kids Con 2018

Lilah and I headed down to Nashua on Sunday to roam around the Kids Con comic convention. She had her "Go Away So I Can Read" t-shirt I designed for her, and I had on my Lego Batgirl Earrings and my comic leggings: Yes, my mom actually asked me if I planned to...