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I'm Sandy B. - a Neurodivergent Artist and Cartoonist. With the help of a cute service dog and a Tribe of Inner Demons, I am on a mission to make sense of my World - or at least, make FUN of it!

1 min read

CHA post - Update

I jumped the gun with last night's video. Suzanne posted it on her blog today along with some great pictures of me demoing and posing with other famous people. ;-D (Hee Hee) If you had trouble with the video in the email, here is the actual link:

4 min read

CHA Video & Pinterest

Suzanne McNeill shot this video of me at CHA a few weeks ago and just posted it on YouTube. I was Totally Terrified when she said she was going to film me... and then she climbed up on a ladder to get a better angle... and then made me start over... I'm amazed...

1 min read

Going Once... Going Twice...

Last call for the UN-Tangle Retreat! There are 33 people (including a few day-trippers) and only ONE room left! Registration ends this Wednesday, or when the room gets filled, whichever is first. I am so excited about the retreat! I am actually having a really hard time whittling down all the things I want to...

1 min read

Tangle Download

I bet you thought I was going to write some more about my exhausting/exhilarating week at CHA? No, this post is about a real, actual, free download! I stumbled across a press release from Cloth Paper Scissors Magazine and there is a link to a free eBook which includes MY original Zentangle® article! My...