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I'm Sandy B. - a Neurodivergent Artist and Cartoonist. With the help of a cute service dog and a Tribe of Inner Demons, I am on a mission to make sense of my World - or at least, make FUN of it!

3 min read

Carolyn Blocher in a Spin

Back in August, I taught at the Midwest Arts & Lettering retreat in Minnesota. I challenged my students to send me jpegs of some of their work - especially if they really "clicked" with a technique. I recently heard from my student, and CZT, Carolyn Blocher: Well, dear teacher, you will be disappointed...

1 min read

Birthday Week

Well it ended up being a very nice Birthday Week (from Saturday to Saturday). Here are some highlights... (the party photos were taken by my personal photographer, my paparazzi-to-go, Laurie Strysko) On Sunday, we had a good-bye party for the minister of our church. I created a mandala that we all filled with sand, then...

2 min read

Big Girl Panties

Today is my birthday. It started with me waking from a terrifying nightmare... then I spent half an hour, or so, sitting on the floor of the shower and crying. I cried because a bunch of people can't come to my party. Well, not because they can't come, but because of...