I snitched this whole post from my friend, Jessica Wesolek's blog:

Just Imagine . . . What IF?

There were a retreat in Santa Fe this September called
“Art Journaling in Paradise".

The hotel rooms were all Santa Fe style suites with their own kitchens and tables for midnight journaling, conveniently located in Santa Fe proper, and costing only $55 night plus tax (even for two people if you wanted to team up).

The huge classroom is located in a beautiful building tucked into a row of Santa Fe’s best galleries and within walking distance of everything downtown.

There were five full days of instruction, studio time, and journaling forays in and around Santa Fe, and a 6th full day of studio time in the classroom to wrap up everything and finish your pages.

The workshop cost was only $650 for the whole 6 days.

I got my pal Sandy Bartholomew to fly out here from New Hampshire to help me get you excited about art journaling.

What if all of that could happen? If we built it, would you come?

If you have serious interest, shoot me an email and let me know. Number of students will be limited and great detail will be provided if we see sufficient interest.

What do you think? Interested? Email Jessica and let her know!
I sure would love to go to Santa Fe for my birthday. And I can't think of anyone I'd rather spend it with than you folks!!

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